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Eminent researchers, academicians and industrialists will be delivering keynote address on topics pertaining to the three major themes of the conference. The details of keynote speakers are as follows


Dr. Sastry Pamidi

Professor and Chair

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Tallahassee, USA

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Dr. Omar Faruque

Associate Professor

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Tallahassee, USA


Dr. Benedetto Nastasi

Department of Planning Design and Architectural Technology,

University of Rome La Sapienza,

Roma, Italy


Dr. Hassan Haes Alhelou

Senior Researchear, 

Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering

Monash University, Australia


Dr. Belqasem Aljafari

Dean Academics,

Electrical Engineering Department

Najran University, Saudi Arabia


Dr. Jagriti Saini


Eternal RESTEM,

Chandigarh India

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Dr. Abd El-Aziz Ahmed Abd El-Aziz

Associate Professor, Information Systems

FGSSR, Cairo University, Egypt

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Dr Akhtar Kalam

Professor, Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering and Science,

Victoria University, Australia

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Dr. Ciro Rodriguez Rodriguez


Department of Software Engineering

National Univ. of San Marcos,Peru


Dr. Plamen Angelov

Professor, Department of Computing and Communications

Lancaster University,  Lancaster, UK


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Dr. Mohammad Mehedi Hassan

Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences

College of Computer and Information  Sciences . 

Information Systems Dept, King Saud University

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Dr. Giancarlo Fortino

Professor, Department of Computer Engineering

University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci, cubo 41C, 87036 Rende (CS), ITALY

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